The Adventures of Rajada

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Rajada, G-MO, and RTSPlayer were standing in an area of the lab without a ceiling. Rajada pulled out a red and black ballzooka. “I call it the Deathzooka. It was fairly easy to make. All I had to do was accelerate the quantum flux capacitors in the nozzle and…” G-MO and RTSPlayer look at each other puzzled. “…then I just carved out a larger opening for the modified ball. Watch.” A secret passage in the wall opens and Todd steps through. “The trail of bonus points ends here.” he says. Rajada takes aim. Todd stutters: “I, I, I know what I said about your mom was totally inappropriate, but I actually believe that-” BLAMO! A huge luminescent Ballzooka ball launches him 600 feet into the air. “Hmmmm…I was expecting better results…oh well. G-MO and RTSPlayer turn to face each other, mouths slightly ajar and stare for several seconds. Rajada calls to them “You coming? I’ve got more.” RTSPlayer and G-MO break their stare and walk towards him.


Rajada, RTSPlayer, and G-MO emerge from the lab. RTSPlayer and G-MO are wide eyed and shuddering. “O.K., that’s why I test weapons before using them. Had that been a competitor, we’d have big trouble on our hands. Don’t worry, I can always get more scientists, they re-spawn rather quickly.” “I think I’m gonna be sick” G-MO said. Rajada showed his ID to a guard. The group entered a room with a large machine in it. “Being a genius and all, I have a little insurance policy. This machine has the power to create a 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 mile rip in the time space continuum. Enough to go back in time about a minute.” “That’s it?” RTSPlayer said sarcastically. Rajada stared at him unsure. “Sorry, continue.” RTSPlayer said. “Anyways,” Rajada continued “I implore you to use this machine if it ever becomes absolutely necessary. Of course I have secure locks on everything in the lab, so I’ll have to reprogram the computers to recognize you, which may take a while. So in the mean time, I’ll just give you the pass-” He is cut off by a loud, screeching siren accompanied by bright, green flashing lights.

G-MO pulled a quick glance at Rajada and noticed that he was sweating. This was the first time G-MO had seen him sweat in a long time. Distracted, Rajada quickly ran off.

G-MO and RTSPlayer attempted to follow him, but lost him in the vast corridors. As they walked towards an open doorway, they heard voices.G-MO peered around the corner and saw Rajada on his knees with a Hyper Strike at his head. The thug holding it yelled “Where is it?” Rajada sar in the middle of a ring of thugs, hands behind his head and says nothing. The thug yelled again “Where is it!?”


Keep in mind that RTSPlayer and G-MO are unarmed at this time.

1. Run for the time machine. Go to page 2

2. Try to find a weapon in the lab. Go to page 3

3. Stay and watch hoping Rajada has some ace up his sleeve. Go to page 4

4. Try to take on the thugs Kung Fu style. Go to page 5