The Adventures of Rajada: page 30

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Rajada sat at a large view screen, punching in values and statistics. "The program is ready now", he said to G-MO and RTSPlayer. "Step through the door." RTSPlayer grinned, "Finally, a little fun!" Rajada glanced up. "Please, we need to take this seriously. We need to be ready for his return." "Yeah, wouldn't want to forget how to aim." RTSPlayer retorted. Rajada gave RTSPlayer a long stare. "When you girls are done, you're welcome to join me." said G-MO as he stepped into the holo-imaging chamber. "Hey!" Rajada replied, following him, "Come back here and say that!"

Within moments the trio found themselves armed and geared up. "This really is impressive." G-MO said. "How did you come up with this in an hour?" "Honestly I've been prototyping this for a while," Rajada replied. He picked up a large, heavy backpack and held it out to RTSPlayer. "Here, you'll need this." RTSPlayer groaned a little. "Oh man, why do I have to carry that?" Rajada shoved the pack into RTSPlayer's arms. "Because someone needs to hold my ammo." RTSPlayer reluctantly slipped the pack on, straining under its weight. "Cover me a moment would you? I need to make sure the coast is clear." Rajada walked off without another word, disappearing into the treeline.

G-MO climbed the tallest tree he could find, roosting in it and adjusting his Hyperstrike scope. He spied a large, walled outpost not too far away. Rajada was in a nearby clearing, setting up some kind of spying device. "Why does he do this to me?" RTSPlayer suddenly asked. "Huh?" replied G-MO, looking down at RTSPlayer. "After all we've been through you think he could be a little nicer to me." G-MO frowned a little. "Give him a break. He is fighting off insanity you know." Rajada did not look back as he listened through G-MO's bugged Hyperstrike. "I know," RTSPlayer said, "but I feel like he's mad at me for some reason, like I'm getting more of the pain than anyone else. Why does he single me out when- hey, do you hear that?"

G-MO looked back down at RTSPlayer once more. "Is that coming from my pack?" RTSPlayer spun around. G-MO glanced at Rajada, and noticed him typing on a small computer screen. G-MO stared for a moment, then realized what was going on. "Oh my g-" Rajada grinned and whispered to himself "You have no idea." He punched in a line of code and disabled the virtual safeguards. Then he typed one last numeric code. An explosion rocked the simulation. The black ooze receded from evil Rajada's face as he packed up the remote terminal. Walking back to G-MO and RTSPlayer's camping spot, not a trace of them was to be found. A black scorch mark covered the ground. It was done. Rajada had killed RTSPlayer and G-MO, and soon, they would both be dead in his universe as well. The balance would be restored and there would be nothing to stop him with G-MO, loose cannon cop out of the way. G-MO watched from where he had buried himself in virtual leaves as Rajada left he simulation.

Rajada prepared the wormhole for his final trip.
