The Adventures of Rajada: page 18

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RTSPlayer sat up, walked over to his closet, and pulled out a small cardboard box labelled "Plan B". Rubbing his eye, RTSPlayer threw the lid off, and began tinkering with an odd piece of electronics. Rajada peered over at him curiously. Suddenly the box began to beep, and RTSPlayer threw it over to Rajada. "Catch." RTSPlayer said groggily. Rajada caught the box and looked inside. "Hey, this is some kind of quantum bomb. Where the heck did you get this? More importantly, did you keep it in a shoebox?" RTSPlayer didn't respond. He was already climbing back into bed. Rajada glanced at the countdown, 15 seconds. "I don't understand, what was the objective of this plan B thing?" RTSPlayer opened his eyes. "Come to think of it, I don't know. I found it in a dumpster and... I was saving it for the right moment." Rajada nodded a little. "You know what these do though right? They collap-"

1. continue...