The Adventures of Rajada: page 23

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"Where are we?" G-MO asked, dizzily standing. "Where do you think we are? We're in that parallel dimension!" RTSPlayer snapped. "Stupid Rajada brought us here with a series of terrible decisions!" Rajada grinned. "I always wanted to build a cabin or a lair or a death ray in the arctic." "Uhhhh, death ray?" G-MO said, looking concerned. "Rajada, are you feeling alright?" "No!" Rajada replied, "I feel completely different!" His smile vanished. "We should probably leave this place as soon as possible." Rajada analyzed his surroundings. Snow was everywhere, with low visibility in the current blizzard and the icy winds cut through him like a knife. "We don’t want to be out here too long." Rajada said. "The current conditions could freeze us if we don’t find shelter soon." "Look," G-MO said pointing to something distant, "a building of some kind! Let’s go." They all began walking.

When they arrived at the building, they could clearly see it had been built by the evil Rajada. Dormant laser turrets guarded the outside, but they seemed deactivated. They could see a bit of black smoke coming from the back of the building. "Something is happening in there," said Rajada. "I think we should take this chance to sneak in. If we get killed in there at least it will be warm." RTSPlayer couldn't find the words to protest, so he just rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Rajada approached the front door with G-MO and RTSPlayer behind him. A panel beside the door flicked to life, and a woman's voice came on. "Lair is under lock-down, please state authorization." A nearby turret turned, aiming directly at Rajada's head. Rajada snorted. "Hell if I know!" he blurted out. "Authorization accepted," the woman's voice continued. "Please provide hand print identification." Rajada looked back at G-MO and shrugged. He placed his hand on the panel. After a momentary scan, the turret rotated away from Rajada. "Hello Rajada, please state your destination." Rajada walked through the opening door. "Take me, uh, Rajada to the lab." As RTSPlayer took a step forward, the turret sprang back to like and focused on him. RTSPlayer froze, not sure what to do. Rajada popped his head back out the front door. "And two guests." he quickly muttered. The turret turned away again.

The elevator slowed to a stop, and Rajada stepped out into the laboratory. His hands in his pockets, he let out a faint whistling noise. This lab was quite a bit larger than Rajada's back in the desert. "This must have taken years." G-MO said. "Yeah," Rajada replied, "or an egotistical maniac with access to universal pow- uhhhh... cheats. I'm not sure we want to meet the guy who built this place though, so let's look for parts to build a new wormhole device." G-MO walked off, apparently to look for gizmos, but RTSPlayer just stood there. "Hey," Rajada called to RTSPlayer, "find me a flux capacitor." RTSPlayer looked around him. "I couldn't find one." Rajada eyed him. "Find me a torque wrench." "Nope." RTSPlayer replied. "Some scrap metal?" RTSPlayer kicked a small pile of scrap metal next to him. "I don't know what to tell you, we're just having the worst luck finding things." Rajada sighed. "G-MO, help me build this thing." "Why build one?" G-MO asked, turning to face the others. He pointed to a large door with a sign above it labelled "WORMHOLE DEVICE". "Well I guess we know I’m just about the same in this dimension." Rajada said. "Man I love plot convenience." RTSPlayer said. Just then they heard noise coming from below them. It sounded like music, techno music.


1. Investigate the music.

2. Ignore the music.

3. Start attacking each other.