Update Notes Catchup Through 11/17/2024
Map Changes
- Some remixes were brought into the game under the PointBlast gametype despite being appropriate only for team games. These remixes have been moved into the Capture the Flag gametype and the pointblast version archived: CTF-Face][Remix and CTF-FusionRemix. Missing CTF versions of some other maps were added as well, namely CTF-HalfPipes and CTF-Noxion16Remix.
- Several remixes were re-done in order to perfect them. This includes fixing bad textures, missing sound effects, broken bot pathing, and in some cases, select missing decorations. A number of these maps have new paint jobs, so check them out! Old versions are available in the archive as usual. The list is as follows: CTF-AntimatterRemix, CTF-CoretRemix, CTF-Face][Remix, CTF-FusionRemix, CTF-LavaGiantRemix, PM-MetalCoreRemix, CTF-OrbitalRemix, PM-RadianRemix, TT-CoretRemix, and TT-Noxion16Remix.
- A few brand new renovations in this patch including PM-Halfpipes (which received a CTF and SH version as well), PM-RocketRun2 (check out the gravity well!), PM-CircleOfAir, and PM-One2One.
- Some love was given to more Target Tag maps TT-Archon, TT-FaceRemix, and TT-Noxion16Remix so that they are now playable in the new version of Target Tag.
- Added back the original version of PM-Ender'sGame that was removed by accident. This map also got updated with bot-pathing.
- A number of tiny bugfixes on a huge list of maps including texture issues, broken playerstart fixes, BSP holes filled, item improvements and bot-pathing fixes: CTF-CivilWarRemix, CTF-FaceRemix, KOTH-111, KOTH-TechComb, PM-1on1-ApexRemix, PM-1on1-RajanRemix, PM-AdenoraRemix, PM-AlcatrazRemix, PM-Anoxia, PM-Archipel, PM-Archipel(TheBeginning), PM-ATATBargeRemix, PM-BarricadeRemix, PM-CircularFortsStadium, PM-DaMaze, PM-Downtown, PM-EvilMonasteryRemix, PM-Fool'sBravadoRemix, PM-GalleonRemix, PM-GFK-PirateIsland, PM-GoldMine, PM-KringleRemix, PM-NibelheimRemix, PM-Observatory)(Remix, PM-OracleRemix, PM-PingPong][Remix, PM-PirateShips, PM-Production, PM-Sk8'sBedroom, PM-TantricRemix, PM-TechComb, PM-UrbanArena][Remix, PM-UrbanUprisingRemix, SH-GoldMine, and TT-FloatingIslands.
System Changes
- New skins were applied to the vanilla weapons and items to eliminate artifacts that have cropped up in the newest rendering engines.
- Fixed the in-game news being broken.
- RajMutators2 weapons received a number of bug-fixes and balancing.
- RPGStats weapons also received a number of bug-fixes and some rebalancing with more to come in the future.
As always, see the patch notes forums for full details and more minor changes.
New CP Ini Patcher
There is a new version of the Ini Patching utility available on the website. This version allows you to fix the recently discovered multiplayer connection issues without needing to know how to do the file editing yourself!
Please note that I am still working on a newer version of the Community Pack. Due to some ongoing complaints, I have made it a goal of mine that the next release of the Community Pack include an option to install only the core vanilla files required to patch the game to CP standards without any additional maps, mods, or other resources. This process will take some time.