I want to get to know.... Solid Snake

9 years 3 days ago #260 by Liquid_Snake1999
*Liquids eyes turn red and his head turns º360 as he speaks in a demonic voice* Answer solid snake or suffer my demonic spell! ◎△☆○◇ΩΏΥΣΨΧΡΠΦψωφΞξ™©®↑↑↓↓←→←→AB¿¡

1. Do you know how to cook?

2. Do you want to become the next rajada or G-MO?

3. Does rajada love me? or NAB more?

4. Are you carl in disguise SS?

5. Why have you never modded or coded anything SS?

Answer quickly or ↑↑↓↓←→←→AB¡

I'm a psychopath!! 999 Is my favorite number..... *Ominous music*

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9 years 3 days ago #261 by Solid_Snake1998
1. No, but i want to.

2. Depends, it would be nice though.

3. 'Dunno why don't you ask him?

4. No. We're Brother and Sis.... what a brainless question.

5. Don't have a computer and not enough time.

...© and ® , maybe ™?

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