Issue Description:

In perspective view, left mouse causes an extremely rapid horizontal spin. Left-clicking in any of the other views causes extremely quick panning.

Solution #1 - Disable DPI scaling:

Open your Nerf directory (usually C:\Program Files\Atari\Nerf) and open the 'System' folder within. Now find and right-click on the NerfEd.exe, selecting 'Properties'. Click the 'Compatibility' tab and check the box labelled 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings'.

Solution #2 - Change camera speed:

If the problem is that the camera is fast, but not to the point where it is completely unusable, you may have just accidentally increased the camera speed. You can change the camera speed with the small button next to the question mark 'Help' button in the toolbar. The camera speed button looks like three arrows of varying length. Clicking it cycles through slow, normal, and fast speed. Note that these speeds are bound to hotkeys '1', '2', and '3' respectively.

Note: Due to an issue in NerfEd, sometimes, when typing a numeric value into a brush builder tool, these hotkeys can become activated unintentionally.