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SLAM(CD-CoS) says: lol

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: except the part about driving up next to the cars

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: hehe

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: and shooting wildfire out of window

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: LOL

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "GET DOWN!!!!"

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "We grabbed our guns from the back of the trunk and went to the nearest park, then we called for backup"

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Heh heh, okay. Hi, everyone, and welcome to the first edition of our new Nerf ArenaBlast Gallery show, Nerf Stories Impromptu. Let me explain a bit about this show. Over a year aog now, a friend of mine known as Starbuck was online tat the NerfCenter forums. He become known online there for making completely outrageous stories about Nerf wars he had in real life. Of course, these were just too crazy to be considered real, but they were fun to read, and they were hilarious.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: That's right. While he was ridiculed for insisting these were real, I beleive he got respect for their humor.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: So, that's why we're here with this show. What we're going to do is make stories in the same tradition as our forerunner Starbuck, and we're going to do them live. That means, unless we've possibly thought ahead about our next story somewhat, we're completely making it up as we go.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: This will be fun. Let me give you something to start out with SLAM, if you want to go first. I'll take a bit of a Starbuck scenario, and give it you you open ended. You're on a highway in a fight with the Techs, the people who only use CyberStrike weaponry. You're not just standing there, though, you're in cars that are along side each other. Naturally, you're fighting back and forth through the windows. So, pick this up and make us a story!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "I shot the wildfire out the window, but the wind was blowing so fast, the darts flew behind us before they were a foot away from the gun!...

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: ("Ten minutes later a van of people came and started to back us up")

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: ..I knew I had to get closer in, so I opened the door, and jumped into their car's window!"

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I knew it was a dumb idea right after I landed.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I shot the driver, but they took me prisoner.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: It was too late for them, though....

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: The car went out of control, and flew off a freeway ramp over a boiling ocean!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I had to jump for it!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: what next...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: hmm...

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (lol)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (I could tell you what really happened in story =\)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (not as exciting as the one you telling lol)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I activated my Nerf hoverpod, and watched the others fall to their deaths in the boiling tumult below...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (lol)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Should I contiunue?

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Yes, please )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: K.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: As I turned around to head back to the shore and land, I saw someone on the bridge pointing an odd looking gun at me. It was one of the Techs!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (wait wait)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: And he was holding a gun that looked like the Hyperstrike from Nerf Arenablast!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (The Techs were ones attacking.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: ?

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: LOL

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I know .

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I had heard about these guns, but thought they were mythical.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (heh)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Before I could dodge, he hit the alt button on the side of the gun, activating the scope.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: He had me pinned!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (And then out of nowhere Void appeared yeilding the ledgendary whomper)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Not yet, that comes later )

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: k

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: A flash of purple light shot out of the gun and struck the critical sensitive components of my Nerf hoverpod!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I fell plummeting towards the shore, and the sand, which I knew would be unforgiving.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Suddenly, I saw a wonderful sight.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: My buddies pulled up in a car to save me!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: They hopped out, popped the trunk, and brought out a king size trampoline!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: They quickly maneuvered to bring the trampoline to where it could break my fall and do some good.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: My team is the best, I landed safely and lightly on the trampoline.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: As soon as I hit it, I ran, and we all got in the car.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: As we got in, the driver pressed a button on the dash board. There was a brilliant foam explosion on the bridge above, sending the sniper hurtling into the boiling ocean.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (ROFL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I thanked him for the help, and we all drove to Toys R' Us for resupply.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (uh oh)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: As soon as we got there, we pulled out our cellphones, and took the entire staff hostage. They didn't even put up a fight!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (AHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We then ran to the Nerf aisle...


[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (*literally fell off chair*)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (!!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: LOL

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: One of the workers managed to take off his gag, and said, "You guys robbed the store yesterday! We don't get restocked until Tuesday!"

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Realizing our mistake, we politely released the captive audience, and left.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Our next option for resupply was Crazy Sharpknux's Discount Nerf store.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (heh)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (yay!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (More about that later.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (hehe)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We all ran inside, where Sharpknux was sitting goggleeyed at his corner computer.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Wooooow..." he drooled.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Sharp, what did I tell you about looking at that stuff on the net?" I asked him.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "No no!" he said, "Let me explain!"

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "It's the new WildClip version 3.57 from Larami!" He continued.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "I'm ordering a shipment!"

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: ("They stole my design, those punks!")

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "What happened to version 3.56?" I asked, thinking fondly of the gun I was holding in my hands, "It seemed to work fine."

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Oh, they decided the parts worked too well, so the new version is flimsier and more likely to break down. They promise never to make such a good quality toy again." Sharp replied.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (lol)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Oh..." I said, "Okay, well, make sure you buy every last 3.56 version WildClip, okay?"

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Sure," Sharp said, "Now, what can I do for you?"

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "We need more ammo," I started.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: But as soon as I said that, the front wall of Sharp's Shop fell down, and a squad of Techs came bursting in!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (!!)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (*Pulls out SSII and Arrowstorm*)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Not a chance :-).)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Sharpknux panicked and threw his monitor at them to cover up his getaway through the secret floor hatch (but that's another story.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: That helped some. He took out three Techs.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: The rest of my team dived behind the counter, shot the locks off the display cases with your Power Punch gunpowder powered Nerf guns.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We pulled out ammo, and returned fire.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (As the team stayed above and fought the techs, Sharp went to explore the basement and found a batch of old orignial guns.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Ah, ah, ah I said that was another story, didn't I ?)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (K )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We only sent three shots flying, while the Techs' 500 darts flew harmlessly past our heads. Talk about the stuff of heros.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (lol)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Our three shots brought down the last of the techs.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We spent the next hour resupplying ourselves with the Techs' ammo, which we were now almost swimming in, though none had ever hit us.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Figures, stupid cyber-strike line )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I wondered where Sharp was, worried about my old friend, but I didn't have much time to worry about that. After we had sacked everything in the store (Erm...in case other teams got it) we left in an orderly defense formation.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (lol)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Heh heh, okay)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We decided to attack the Tech's main base in this area. A skyscraper suspuciously labeled "Nerf" in captial italic orange letters.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Hmm.. sounds familiar )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Yah.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (On to the story.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: The ten of us ran towards it screaming wildly.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: All of a sudden, all 400 windows on our side of the building opened up, and two techs popped out of each one, firing wildly at us!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Needless to say, all of their shots missed, and we were successful in hitting 200 techs in the first minute of the charge.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: As the 200 techs of the first casualty group fell out of the 500 foot high windows to their Nerf deaths on the hard Nerf pavement, we scooped up extra ammo under the heavy fire of the remaining 600.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: As we were about to enter the building, I saw that one of the Techs was lying on the ground trying to talk.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: He had Nerf-Blood (melted foam) gurgling from his mouth.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (ROFL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: He choked on it as he spoke.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Brit...GAHK!" He started.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (..)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Brit what?" I asked shaking him.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Britney...Spears...is...hot!" He declared, gaining some strength.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Gah! DIE!!!" I shouted, and shot him for his blasphemy.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (ROFL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: He finally fell down Nerf dead. I considered a campaign against Britney Spears fans...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (I carried out this plan later, but that's another story.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (ROFL!!!!!!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We burst in through the front doors, to find an utterly abandoned lobby...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Almost abandoned...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: There was a lone object sitting in the middle of the room.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I signalled the group to stay back while I examined it.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: There was a note attached to it on a cheap imitation of a Post-It note. It read "So long, suckers!" in the worst imaginable handwriting. I releaized the box was a Nerf bomb!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I yelled at everyone to clear the building.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We all ran outside, just in time to see a helicopter, packed with 600 Techs whose arms, legs, and heads were hanging out of doors and windows, fly away.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Then the blast came.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We all ran, but the force of the explosion picked us up, and threw us several blocks away.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We were about to hit the hard pavement, when suddenly a net of thick heavy flexible Nerf foam shot up from the road in front of us, and stopped our fall. It then left us dangling several stories from the street. We then realized what happened...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: The Tribe had taken us hostage!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Our faces, pressed in the mesh of Nerf foam, could make out the figures of fat, tiny, tall and skinny, and some pretty...um...girls...in the group.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Ok I gotta go take shower =\ but I be back in a few min, continue with the story if you like! )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I remembered that the girls in the group were extremely fanatical about cute guys like us, and would do about anything to go on a date.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: K.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (ROFL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Ok be back in few min )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I had a cunning plan.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (K. ).

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Hey girls!" I yelled. This got their attention. "We'll take you all out on a mass date if you turn on the rest of the Tribe and kill them!"

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: They didn't even answer back. The Tribe, realizing what would probably happen, turned their guns to the girls, but too late. The Tribe guys were shot down in a spray of liquid foam.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: The girls then released us from the net (though it was a hard drop), and we all went out for a night on the town, and had the time of our lives.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (The Tycoons attacked us once during that time, but that's another story ).


[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Back, lemme read up

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: If I can get pants on

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: K .

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: That was fast.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: stupid pants have holes

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: lol

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: yah I took shower in cold water

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: !

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: speeds it up lol

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: After reading about the Tribe girls?

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: lol

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: j/k

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: lol

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: grr stupid pants

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: linings all screwed up

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Ahh....

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: it comortable but hard to get on =\

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Heh.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: whoops thats a pocket..

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: lol

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: yay! left leg in! now for right one!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Go, Sharp, Go!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "It's a fabulous turn out at the daily pants contest..."

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: lol

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: yay!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: got em on


[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: WOOOO!!!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: "Sharpknux has won the penant!"

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: ok, time to read up

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: lol

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Okay, .

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I mean

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Okay )

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (did you get rooms in the tycoon hotel for everybody? )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: !!!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Why, Sharpknux, Those teams have morals you know!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: lol

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: not the lunas

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: they dance at nightclubs

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Heh.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Those aren't the Lunas though.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: ah the tribe

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Lunas are another story .

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: hehe

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: LOL

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Kiddies, luna story is rated R)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Why stop at R?)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (n/m, if that's going to be a story, YOU'RE going to write it, not me.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: So, would care to commence with the storytelling?

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (hehe ok)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Erm...

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: ok

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: hold on

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Of ANOTHER story.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: NOT about Lunas, I think

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Heh heh.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Okay .

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Please begin.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Hmm..

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: ok.. lemme think of topic

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: K.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Give me a title.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: ok name is...

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: er title

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (K.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "Nerf RADs vs. the Terrorists"

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: ('Scuse me while I wash my glasses.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (lol k)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (I'm sure I read that wrong...)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (There, better.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (*gasp*)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (*thud*)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (lol)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Hrm...please continue.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Begin.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (what wrong with that?)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Nothing, it's just the best yet . I thought my story had it pegged.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Come to think of it, my story didn't even have a title...)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Hehe we'll see your story's pretty good )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Okay, begin!)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Ok)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (EERHERM)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Once upon a time, in Nerf land, there were 5 Nerfers.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They went by the names, Chaos, Void, Mirage, Oasis, and Abyss

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (One Nerfer was toooo soft, another nerfer was tooo hard...)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (The other three were JUUUUST right)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Quoth the Lunas)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Hrm...please continue)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (anyway)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They were happy nerfers.. Always nerfed for fun, and had good times)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Until...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (blammo)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: One day, a team called the "Barracudas" captured their newest, and most potential member, Oasis

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Uh oh, I can smell a brainwash on the way...)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The Barracudas were an ugly sort.. Always mean and hateful, AND THEY LOOKED LIKE NERF BARRACUDAS!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (wow!)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The Nerf RAD team found out that their friend had been captured. They soon jumped on their Nerf cars and planes and took off.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (The cars flew, and the planes floated along the Atlantic...)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (don't interrupt with good ideas! )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (K .)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They flew (and drove) to the Barracuda's park)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They hopped off and pressed buttons on their clothing. They Nerf turned into Nerf Frogs!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (!!!)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They hopped along croaking and such, until they found the Barracudas.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They croaked "LET OASIS GO OR WE WILL -RIBBIT- HAVE TO TAKE HIM BACK -RIBBIT- BY FORCE!!"

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

Curt has been added to the conversation.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Ah, here we are folks, this is Curt, who also helps me run the NABG site. He may stay on with us as a host for this how as well.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Curt, talk in parenthesis).

Curt says: (ok)

Curt says: (Hi.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The Barracudas cowardly let Oasis go, after seeing the RAD team's WildClips, NerfBombs, And Crossstorms.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (I'm going to post our story and dialogue on NABGm with some stuff like this sentence cut out.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Heh heh...)

Curt says:



Curt says: (SORRY)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Don't smile so loud!)

Curt says: (LIL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Then, out of no where terrorists jumped down onto the park and picked up Oasis, then left.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (*gasp*)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (*thud**)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (lol, QUIET J00! )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Save us!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (K, sorry .)

Curt says: (i said lil)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The RAD team soon realized they couldn't do this alone. They used their Nerf Walky talkies (That were very cheap) and radiod for their friend, SLAM.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: SLAM was 0wning some people in the Barracuda park also, so he came running over.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "Sorry guys, I was just 0wning them, and I forgot about you!" SLAM said.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (How kind of you to let me come )

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Chaos slapped SLAM across the head and said "SLAM! Thats not what we want, we'll deal with that later! Right now we have crisis on our hands!"

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Who's Crisis?)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (er.. a crisis)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Oh, please continue ).

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: SLAM, I want you to radio all of your Arena Blast buddies to come and help, then we move out for the Terrorists! Chaos then planted a Nerf Bomb on the Barracuda park, and ran.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "SLAM! STOP EATING THOSE COOKIES AND COME ON!" Void yelled. SLAM came running and then Nerf jumped out of the way just in time for hte explosion.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They all hopped into SLAM's Nerf Hover mobile and teleported to the terrorists lair.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (It was lit with big, neon lights...)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (The car was too .)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Soon, SLAM's pals at the Luna bar came over. "Ooooo.. SLAM.. You're looking good today!" they said.

Curt says: (then along came curt on his train)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Oh man...)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (You'll get your turn)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

Curt says: (LOL)

Curt says: (SLAM Getting the ladies)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Tell me about it.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Then came along Custer, who amazingly got there by standing in one spot, Spike, who rode on his trible strike arrow, and Curt, who hacked his way into the story.

Curt says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

Curt says: (Custer, who amazingly got there by standing in one spot)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Hehe)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Eventually, the group saw the big sign in front of them that said "TERRORIST SECRET LAIR, SHHHHHHHH!!"

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Heh heh...)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They then walked in door and sall Terrorists walking around with thier illegal Larami 2500s.

Curt says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Out of Nerf thin air, popped 100 more terrorists. They were no match for the group with they're SSII's WildClip's (3.56, that is) and automaticly proplled computer monitors.

(CD-S)PrivateRyan has been added to the conversation.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Shhh, Ryan, talk in (), K?)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

(CD-S)PrivateRyan says: ?

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (SHHH!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Don't ? so loud!)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Then suddenly, a Nerf Nuclear warhead came flying down from the sky. For some reason they heard someone named "Sharpknux" Laughing insanely.

(CD-S)PrivateRyan says: (oh ok)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Heh heh)

Curt says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Of course, by the time the nuclear warhead was coming down, and the terrorists yelling "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" In slow motion, our hero's Nerf exited via. Nerf e-mail.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (?!?)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (ok that was stupid, nm lol)

Curt says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (anyway)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (K.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (lol)

Curt says: (dont (K. so loud)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: [Accidentally typed the MSN kiss graphic of lips.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: ( k )

Curt says: (dont kiss so loud either )

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

Curt says: (:-))

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Pheobe, I'm sorry, you must leave me now...)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Soon, our Nerf Heros were surrounded by the tribe, and the techs!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Oh no! What will they do?!?!?)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: To our hero's relief, Starbuck came flying down on his giant Nerf worm!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Everybody hopped on the worm, and then Chaos and SLAM looked at Starbuck and said "Where have you been?!?"

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: He simply stated, "Oh, I was designing a Nerf whomper, that no one knows about and I will mysteriously forget pictures of."

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The terrorists that survived the blast came out shaking their fists angrily. They started to shoot Secret Shot 2's and other weak guns at our Nerf hero's but they missed.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Of course. They always do.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Then for no reason at all, the worm died and the RAD team fell to the ground.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (ROFL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They were surrounded by terrorists and their illegal Larami guns.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: ("Musta forgotten the doohinky," Starbuck commented.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Uh oh.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Our heros soon remembered about their Nerf powers.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (!)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Abyss managed to send some of the terrorists into an endless Nerf desert.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (lol)

(CD-S)PrivateRyan says: (sorry to leave so soon but i am tired and i need sleep)

(CD-S)PrivateRyan says: (see ya l8er)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (K, bye.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (bye)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Mirage created a Nerf image of the RAD team (Which the terrorists also missed)

Curt says: (Curt then comes in on the abandoned terrorist building on his boeing Train)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

(CD-S)PrivateRyan has left the conversation.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (I said you'll get your turn)

Curt says: (i know)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (:-))

Curt says: (just brainstorming )

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Chaos knew what his name was, but just used his power to Nerf confuse the terrorists.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The terrorists started closing in on the RAD team until...


SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (ROFL)

Curt says: (WOOHOO)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: He created a way out of the circle of terrorists for the RAD team to get on, and they hopped on Curts train and started to get away (They also wondered where the tracks were to Curt's train, then they realized it ran on Nerf fule and Nerf floated everywhere)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (WAIT!!!!!!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (WHAT ABOUTME?!?!?)


[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (oh.. hmm)

Curt says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (ok you get your turn)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (I'm on the technotrance train...)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (dancing with the Lunas.)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (:-))

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Then, SLAM pulled out his Nerf Computer and soon found the file of the map the RAD team was in.

Curt says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: He soon made some quick changes too it.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (ROFL)

Curt says: (LMAO)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (How long did the rebuild take?)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: From no where, the Luna's popped on a stage and started dancing.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (*hits floor*)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says:

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Its in Nerf land!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (I really just dropped out of my chair.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "SLAM! THIS IS NO TIME FOR THIS!!" Chaos said

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

Curt says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "Oh, sorry, I just had it on an instant click for the lunas to dance and stuff..... Sorry, Ok, I'll make better!"

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Aww...)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (What a shame. Oh well, continue .)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: After a few more mysterious Nerf clicks, SLAM created a Rockhead Bar.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (And Made the Rockheads start dancing.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They ran in and Spike said "I need to use the bathroom, brb!" He walked in and who did he see..

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: IT WAS WEST USING THE TOILET!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (WEST or WES?)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (West)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "AHHHHHHH!!! GET OUT! GET OUT!"

Curt says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Please tell me you're not brining Emma into this...)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (er..no)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Good, that would be bad.)

Curt says: (West is planning his next insult on boom)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Spike ran out quickly and he saw SLAM doing some wierd technical things on his Nerf Computer.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: For no reason, they popped on the NAB forums!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Where are we now?)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (There's flame everywhere!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They turned into cute little GIFs, that the idiotic users on the forums use to flood their sigs.

Curt says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

Curt says: (LOL)

Curt says: (LMAO)


SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (ROFL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Then they saw Sharpknux walking around..

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "What the?!?!" Sharp yelled

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (AAAAAAAA, it's the MODERATOR!!!!!)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Sharpknux soon deleted the GIFs from the idiot's sigs.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (!)

Curt says: (After Curt had mysteriously unblocked him self and sent everyone to moderator)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (lol)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Shortly after being deleted, they were back in Terrorist land!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Not again!)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "Hmm.. Where is Void?" They all wondered.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (He was the void...)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The terrorists came running after them.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Then, Spoon popped up!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: He started urinating on all the terroists!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Did he finish?)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (He's been going an awfuly long time by now...)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx has left the conversation.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (?!?!?)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (That didn't sound good...)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Well, er...anyway...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I'm SLAM...

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx has been added to the conversation.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Oops.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: He's back, folks .

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: This show isn't over yet!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Ok..)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Okay)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Now where was I..?)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Ah yes, spoon urinating on the terrorists..)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Heh heh)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "There is no Spoon!" Spoon quickly said after urinating once more on the terrorists, and vanished.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The terrorists were disgusted, but they kept closing in on them..

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Bravehearts.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Then, suddenly..

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (?)

Curt says: (alex)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Void started floating up from the mist yeilding the legendary whomper! Only rumors existed, yet know one knew Void held the only true whomper.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "NERF DIE!!!! YYYYAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Void pressed the fire button on the whomper...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Ooohhh! Ahhhh!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Fireworks!)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (YAY!)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "SONOFA!! PIECE OF!!" The whomper didn't work..

Curt says: (*jaw drops*)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (ROFL)

Curt says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (SLAM changed a few lines of the Whomper class code...)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (:-))

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Void then gave the whomper a good beating, and it fired and hit the terrorists!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (heh)

Curt says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The whomper only killed a few thousand terrorists, but luckily..

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (!!!)



SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Or maybe Ace.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Or me lol)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Heh heh okay.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: He started blasting away the terrorists with whomper shots!

Curt says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: He killed the rest of them easily with the modified whomper, then they found Oasis.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "Hi guys!" Oasis said, "I was just Nerf taken hostage, but now I'm ok! "

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: (Ok)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "Hey SLAM, I hear there's a GREAT new hotel in the Neighborhood, and since you brought the Luna's..." Abyss asked.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: ("Certainly not!")

Curt says: (LOL)

Curt says: (:-))

Curt says: (ah)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (ROFL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: "Certainly not!" SLAM replied angrily.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Good.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Chaos then pulled out his cell phone...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Oh no)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: He then pointed it at SLAM and said "Ok, but mister, I'm getting us some rooms up there, I'm tired! And I'm out of money "

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: ("Erm...Okay.")

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They all walked to the hotel, after having problems with the revolving door, they walked in.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (LOL)

Curt says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They walked over to the attendant and everyone pulled out thier cell phones.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (ROFL)

Curt says: (LOL)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They then mugged the attendant with their cell phone antennas until they got themselves free rooms.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (So SLAM wasn't really needed anyway.)

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: They went and stayed, got rested up, and had a jolly good time!

Curt says: (LOL)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: (Sharpknux!)

Curt says: (But, they had to get there on curts train)

SLAM(CD-CoS) says:

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: Then, later on in their life, they unsucessfully tried to stop Sharpknux and Abyss from Nerf blowing up the sun, but thats another story.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: The End.

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Okay .

Curt says:


SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Well, Curt, do you want to join on to the show and do a story as well?

Curt says:


SLAM(CD-CoS) says:


SLAM(CD-CoS) says: K.

Curt says: hm

Curt says: tomorrow

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Okay, well...

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: yah lets do it tommorow

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: I'm SLAM...

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: I'm Sharpknux

Curt says: And I'm Curt

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: And that's it for this first edition of NSI, on Nerf ArenaBlast Gallery!

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: K .

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Good, show, guys, let's do this again sometime!

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says:


[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says:


Curt says: ya

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: hmm

Curt says:


[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: I didn't involve Cus at all..

Curt says: ya

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: lol

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Yah, you did.

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: forgot about him

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: He came in by standing still...

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: I guess he just stood in that one spot the whole time

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: LOL

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: Ah, well...

SLAM(CD-CoS) says: We best be going...

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: hmm

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: I wonder if anybody on NAB..

Curt says: ...

Curt says: i aint going on if there is

[TrüéVét§]§hârp|<ñüx says: lol