When playing a server a short time ago, the Props Mutator wasn't working, so I had to reinstall it. After playing a round with bots today, I found out why I needed to reinstall: it wasn't because the install was outdated, it was because years ago I had modified it to fix several bugs with Props Mutator 2 (giving bots the tools), and completely forgotten about it.
I highly recommend you add these fixes to the current version of Props Mutator:
1. There was a fix to stop bots from constantly getting stuck on their own PersonalSpawns.
EDIT: On line 35 in the mutator code:
SpawnLocation.Z = PS.Location.Z + Other.CollisionHeight + PS.CollisionHeight + 4;
The (+ 4) at the end stops the bots from getting stuck.
2. Made bot spawnpoints deletable by players.
3. AOE towers were set to a random type upon spawn, so that bots didn't only produce slow fields. (though this is not high priority)
Discovered the UT99 Assault maps...so THAT'S why there's a bunch of weird movers that don't do anything in some NAB levels.